Tuesday, October 2, 2012

$$$ Mula Baby

Bikini competitions can get expensive. The suit, tan, heels, hair, makeup, and protein can really add up. Sometimes you have to find your way around the really expensive things and just rock the stage with what you have.

Try a fundraiser at a local gym! Most people will find it inspiring that you are competing in a bikini competition and will want to help out if given the opportunity. I raised $120 in fundraising at my workplace. This helped buy my suit and heels!

The tanning seems to be the most expensive. If you get the professional spray tan at the competition it will be around $120. I was shocked by this. I decided to start tanning at my local salon for $27.00 unlimited. I will then get a spray tan the day before my competition for $40. A tan is a tan, right?

Here is the average pricing:
Suit- $100.00
Heels- $55.00
Tan- $200.00
Protein/Supplements- $100.00
Makeup/Hair- $90.00
NPC Card- $100.00
TOTAL: $645.00

My pricing so far:
Suit- $70.00
Protein- $25.00
Hair/Makeup- $20.00
NPC Card- $100.00
TOTAL: $312.00

SAVING $333.00!!!
(Not including Fundraiser)

Do your best to look great on stage, but don't overwhelm yourself. The judges are looking at YOU and YOUR BODY, not how your suit is or what tan you got.

Suit: www.suitsyouswimwear.com ($70.00)
Heels: www.sinfulshoes.com ($50.00)

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