Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Reps and Sets?

I get this question so much...
How many reps and sets should I do and why does it matter?

First off, it does matter. The amount of reps and sets you do determines what kind of work out you are getting. You also need to remember the amount of weight is just as important.

Here is the breakdown:

Light weight, High reps, High sets: TONE
Heavy weight, Medium reps, Low sets: BUILDING
Medium weight, Medium reps, Medium sets: REMAIN CONSTANT

You need to decide what you want and then stick with it! If you go into the gym without a journal than you are defeating the purpose. KNOW what you are going to do BEFORE you do it!!!

For us skinny chicks we need to do HEAVY weight, MEDIUM reps (8-12), and LOW sets (2-4).This will help us GAIN MASS!!

You can't tone and build mass at the same time. I suggest building mass for 10-12 weeks and toning for 4-10 weeks. Switch off with this. The two do not go hand in hand.

Tomorrows Post: My weight training routine!

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