Thursday, October 11, 2012

Workouts to BUILD MASS

When I first started weight training I was totally clueless on knowing what exercises to do, but I quickly found out and will share it with my fellow skinnys! :)

When you workout you must alternate your muscle days. YOU CAN NOT WORK OUT RANDOM MUSCLES EVERYDAY. Like anything else, you need a plan. Carry a journal so you don't forget! My journal saves my life! Without it I am just another confused skinny at the gym.

GO IN WITH TUDE. "I got my journal so you can't mess with me!" are my workouts....


Pec Deck 3x8
1 arm DB row 3x8
Seated Row 2x8
Bentover BB row 2x8
Lat Pulldown 3x10,8,6

Barbell curl 4x8,8,6,4
Close grip preacher curl 3x10
Hammer Curls 2x10
Incline DB curl 2x10
Concentration Curl 2x10

Squats 5x10,8,8,6,4
Leg extension 3x12
Leg curl 3x12
Leg Press 3x12
Calf raises 4x12


Bench Press 4x10,8,8,6
Incline BP 3x8,8,6
Decline BP 3x8,8,6
Pec Deck 2x10
DB Pullover 2x10

Tricep Extension 4x10,8,8,6
Tricep Pullover 3x10
Tricep Floor Dips 3x10
Tricep Bench Dips 3x10

Machine Press 3x10
Military Press 4x10
Lat DB raise 2x10
Front raise 2x10
Upright Row 2x10
DB shrugs 2x10

**Always going up at least 2lbs in weight each set :)

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